
40th #PlayBookRT in NCR on "Break the Barriers of Selling" by Deepak Prakash


iSPIRT kicked off its first roundtable for 2015 on 17th January at the office of Eko India, Gurgaon. The PlaybookRT was led by Deepak Prakash, Former VP of Sales at Tally Solutions. He has led building the entire sales network bottoms up and was the #1 sales person at Tally. Under him, Tally evolved from direct selling to single-tier home grown network for dominance and further evolved into a two...

Location is a context, not THE context


Being context aware is about knowing location, identity, activity and time. Many context-aware technologies give a huge importance to location, but location is just one aspect of context, not the context. Location awareness can improve user experience, but knowing a user’s preferences and specific environment makes it all the more personal and all the more powerful. Mobile apps and devices...

When anxiety is a good thing


Ever wonder why some buyers effortlessly make decisions to move forward, while others never engage or take action? When momentum with your prospect stalls, it could be time to shake things up. We need a fresh approach to turn cautious prospects into active clients. Consider this: Prospects expect a sales pitch. They expect us to tell them what we’re all about. Rather than tell our prospects what...

An Imaginary Start up Case Study- Need for a planned Marketing & Sales outreach


The need to be viable in terms of paying customers and indeed the very survival of start ups are dependent on their ability to attract as many paying customers in a short time frame- however a majority of early stage start ups do not look at a planned approach to their marketing, branding and sales and depend a lot on their individual jugaad. The case study written down will capture a start up...

Five things about Product Marketing you can learn from Chetan Bhagat


As a product marketer specialising in content, I’ve always found it irksome to explain to people just how difficult my craft is, and how much time it takes to do it well. Building a brand isn’t easy; it takes a lot of effort, planning, strategy & execution, and involves as much editing out as it involved creating more. And even then, one misplaced word or misguided blog post can turn around...

Nuts and Bolts of Marketing & selling SaaS products to US customers from India for First Timers


In innumerable brainstorming and “gyan” sessions with friends, mentors and experts, one of the most stressed focus area is getting product market fit as soon as possible and then follow it up with scaling sales.  I think most early to mid stage entrepreneurs are instinctively aware of this but struggling with “Hows”.  So when I saw this playbook promising precisely to explain how, I grabbed a...

Some People Hate Self-Checkout


There’s a myth out there that helpdesk companies like to perpetuate about customer service automation — that it will save you time, that all your competitors are doing it, and you need to have it too so you can go work on more important things. Except this it isn’t true. As our friends at Buffer like to say about social media automation, “It’s not a rotisserie oven. Please don’t set it and forget...

How to Structure Sales and Marketing in a SaaS Business


The discussions continued post-lunch in the Playbook Roundtable led by Girish Mathrubootham, CEO and founder of Freshdesk, organized at the Freshdesk office in Chennai. During the extended session, Girish outlined the sales and marketing structure in a SaaS business. While this may be only taken as a pointer to setting up the sales and marketing teams, each business owner needs to focus on the...

Telling stories to establish credibility [template]


In today’s world, there are a few realities that every sales professional is acutely aware of. The first is that there are many alternatives available for every prospect you have. Not only are there alternatives that are competitive to your solution, but you are often fighting for capital to even have your solution on the purchasing agenda in the first place. The second reality is that in most...

Competition – Research and Share


As we build (software) products, the competition is something that we need to stay ahead of, but how?   Especially building products for different markets, you always have others building similar products for probably same or different markets. There are already established products that you have to compete with, there are other products that are getting built as you build your product...