CategoryCustomer Support

Some People Hate Self-Checkout


There’s a myth out there that helpdesk companies like to perpetuate about customer service automation — that it will save you time, that all your competitors are doing it, and you need to have it too so you can go work on more important things. Except this it isn’t true. As our friends at Buffer like to say about social media automation, “It’s not a rotisserie oven. Please don’t set it and forget...

Leveraging Customer relationships as a Product Manager


There have been epics written on ways businesses should be: Identifying customers Acquiring new customers from competition Retaining customers Cross selling and up selling into existing customers Leveraging Customers for expanding business For a Product Manager, who has to deal with many internal and external entities, Customer is by far one of the most business critical entities that he has to...

“E” is for empathy

The last three business books I read were seemingly all different. “Wired to Care” by Dev Patnaik, “Nanovation” by Kevin and Jackie Freiberg and “Customer Centric Selling” by Michael Bosworth. The first was how humans are genetically designed to care for others, the second was the story behind how the Tata Nano was launched and the third was a book on more effective selling. But there was a...

How Sales and Support can also be 'Marketed'!


The best marketer of our time was, inarguably, Steve Jobs. And everything Steve Jobs did was aimed at one thing – marketing his products. His presentations were performances, his product demos were carefully directed and choreographed; there was an air of showmanship about everything going on at Apple leading to a launch. Even their support stories became huge news. Walter Isaacson and...

Customer support lessons from the Yellow Tire Company


It’s quite a matter of pride for the Dabbawalas of Mumbai to be counted right up there in the performance toppers chart. With efficiency metrics that any manager would die for, I got the urge to look at another parallel hallmark which has been able to achieve customer delight in a quintessentially Indian way – thriving on chaos yet with a quiet air of dependability.  There would hardly be a...