Tagsuccessful product

Design is about Love and Empathy towards the customer


The Design RoundTable last week lead by Deepa Bachu and Rajan, was not what I expected. By and large, design to me was either a part of an application (UI / UX) or a concept which i did’nt know much about. But, when we went in depth with Deepa, I realized that design is an integral part of who we are and what we see around us. Through detailed discussions, we were made to think about what design...

The importance of having a defined mission for your start-up


If you are a small team, starting out to solve a problem, having a mission is hardly a concern. What must concern you at that stage is getting to the product market fit and customer validation. But even after building a successful product and scaling the business to a sizeable extent, many startups hardly articulate a compelling mission for themselves. With early signs of success, founders...

Product Business is Very Different from Services


What is the difference between software services and products? Why is it important for India to be developing products? First Invest, and Then Reap The business cycle in a services company starts with sales, and ends with project or product delivery. On the other hand, a product company must first invest in building the solution. Then begins a long and complex business cycle to sell, support and...