Tagproduct strategy

Practitioner’s Guide to Product Strategy


Building products that help customers achieve the outcomes that they desire over the long term is hard. Jeff Bezos has a great quote on basing your strategy on things that do not change. This quote captures the essence of strategy and long term planning. Here are few elements that product teams should consider while building products: What to build? is determined by three critical...

The little Spark with great promise – Inaugural #PNMeetup on Pricing for Enterprise Sales


When a bunch (around 45-50, I didn’t keep the count) of Product enthusiasts – with experience accumulating into decades – gather at a single place to share their learning on specific topic in a compact & well-moderated session of 2 hours, it’s worth every bit. That’s how I felt coming out of the inaugural session of #PNMeetup – Pricing for Enterprise Sales: Specific & Important...

Be a part of the journey to Product Nirvana!


There has been a huge upstart in the number of product companies in India in the last 12 months. 700% is the estimate according to Zinnov Consulting. Most of them, as one keynote speaker at the recently held NASSCOM Product Conclave 2012 said ominously or more from experience being in the Silicon Valley, “will fail”. Why startups fail can be due to any number of reasons but the chances of...

Product/Market Fit and Why Startups Should Care


Most successful products go through two distinct phases 1) product/market fit 2) growth/scale. There are a large number of startups that fails before achieving product/market fit and therefore, it is important to understand what is it and why it matters. What is product/market fit? Product/market fit is a phase where you try to establish that you are in a good market and have the right product to...