Tagproduct leaders

A conference of the products, for the products and by the product leaders


Indian startup space is on a roll and while there is a lot of money being invested, we strongly believe that one needs a lot more talks on products – ranging from product management to marketing / growth hacking et al. Product Nation has partnered with NextBigWhat for its upcoming conference, ProductGeeksConf.  At ProductGeeksConf, you will hear various product leaders share...

How Companies Use Big Data to Help Their Customers?


Big Data has gotten a lot of attention over the past 18 months as retail, manufacturing, and technology companies realize the gold mines they’re sitting on and rush to scour them for competitive advantage. Nearly all of this discussion, though, revolves around consumer trends, marketing guidance, new product planning, and other market-level insights. Here are how companies are using big data to...

What India needs is a bootcamp for existing Product folks


PNSummit just pivoted. But only in name. And it was to reflect the true nature of what this first-ever bootcamp for product folks is all about. Many ProductNation friends asked why it was called a Summit because…  hey, it is not a conference. Its more intense than a conference and much more meaningful for a product startup. This led to the pivot and thus was born #PNCamp – the bootcamp for...