AuthorChaitanya C

Announcing #PNCamp3 (22nd April- Hyderabad) – Feedback,Teardowns and more.


Building a startup is hard. And many times it’s lonely. The actual building of the product is the honeymoon period. Especially for tech startups. There is the high of creating something from scratch and seeing it take shape. But just like in a real marriage, then start the struggles 🙂 You have a product. You have some early adopters,maybe some friends and family. But how do you scale? How can you...

What is a good sales target for a sales person in SaaS in India?


Unfortunately there is no fixed answer. Problem with SaaS is that there are too many moving variables. LTV,Churn,ARR,ARPU etc. So its really hard to come up with one fixed number. So based on our experience and our product the following is a number we have come up with to set targets for our sales organization. 0.8x(x is the sales person’s salary) So, a sales person should pull in 0.8x...

A conference of the products, for the products and by the product leaders


Indian startup space is on a roll and while there is a lot of money being invested, we strongly believe that one needs a lot more talks on products – ranging from product management to marketing / growth hacking et al. Product Nation has partnered with NextBigWhat for its upcoming conference, ProductGeeksConf.  At ProductGeeksConf, you will hear various product leaders share...

SaaS Metrics for India B2B


When we started selling our Cloud telephony platform, we had very little idea of what metrics to concentrate on. So we just built the product and winged it 🙂 Now after 4 years, we have a pretty good command of what metrics to concentrate on. What works, what doesn’t. Which channels are better and which sales techniques work. We learnt this the hard way and by reading blogs by David Skok...

21st #PlaybookRT – 13 Sales Mantras for Product Selling in India – Part 1


Last weekend, we had a playbook roundtable on sales(mainly B2B) at the Ozonetel systems office in Hyderabad. Aneesh Reddy from Capillary led the RoundTable. The focus of the roundtable was on sales in product companies. This included early stage sales as well as issues faced during scaling sales. A lot of points were covered and the participants were involved in very lively discussions with...

Indian Products- Creating a market


Building products when you know the need is hard. Building products which create a new market is harder.In the first case, you know a problem, you envisage a solution and you build a product which solves the problem. People start buying your product as they know they have a need for it.In the second case, you have to first convince the customers there is a need. You have to show them that things...