TagMobile Apps

Future of Mobile Apps


The future of mobile apps is linked to how humans have evolved and communicated with tools. Consider an inverted pyramid as shown in the image above, with two dimensions growing simultaneously. The first being awareness and the second inter-connectivity. Awareness can also be perceived as manual vs automatic interactions with little input from user. Inter-connectivity is communication between...

Pricing dilemma


A year back I was involved with a leading mobile apps company on an issue related to product pricing. The company developed customized mobile apps for business. At the time it had a staff of 20 programmers and reasonably successful – having on its customer list several top global corporations like cola companies, few leading banks, advertising giants and others. It had revenues close to USD 1...

Why aren’t more developers creating serious Mobile App Products?

Mobile Apps

These are the times, when every third person that you meet in Technology world has an idea for an App. It could be every alternate person if you’re hanging out in geeky groups or among heavy Smartphone users. The Industry trends suggest a phenomenal surge as well. According to Gartner, Mobile Apps Store downloads worldwide for the year 2012 will surpass 45.6 billion. Out of these, nearly 90% are...