
What is a good sales target for a sales person in SaaS in India?


Unfortunately there is no fixed answer. Problem with SaaS is that there are too many moving variables. LTV,Churn,ARR,ARPU etc. So its really hard to come up with one fixed number. So based on our experience and our product the following is a number we have come up with to set targets for our sales organization. 0.8x(x is the sales person’s salary) So, a sales person should pull in 0.8x...

A conference of the products, for the products and by the product leaders


Indian startup space is on a roll and while there is a lot of money being invested, we strongly believe that one needs a lot more talks on products – ranging from product management to marketing / growth hacking et al. Product Nation has partnered with NextBigWhat for its upcoming conference, ProductGeeksConf.  At ProductGeeksConf, you will hear various product leaders share...