Launching iSPIRT pre-entrepreneur Program

The clichéd but very apt picture provides the context for this program.

Pre-Entre-programThe media shrill is at peak right now about entrepreneurship and many are jumping headlong into it armed with in depth technology, product management and sales skills. While there is considerable information available on the tangible skills, one of the key skills is self-management and ability to deal with incredible amount of uncertainty, indecisiveness, FOMO, self doubt and various other critical but often ignored aspects. Most are also not exposed to this intensity in their normal corporate existence.

Few folks in iSPIRT have been dwelling on this and with a happy coincidence of many events have come up with a program to address this need. We’re piloting an iSPIRT pre-entrepreneurial program to sketch a path for builders/makers who want to startup, including resources, exercises, and activities that strengthens them for their entrepreneurial marathon. Bringing in the principles of effectuation, developed through observing 45 expert entrepreneurs who have at least 15 years of entrepreneurship. Effectuation puts the entrepreneur as the agent of change, owner of their destiny, and helps them create the future rather than predict it.

The program itself will be a journey through market and personal challenges that a founder must go through when they do a startup. Those going through this program will get tips from experienced entrepreneurs in the Indian ecosystem, frameworks to develop their own products/startups, and a support system through the entrepreneurial journey.

The program will include effectual entrepreneurship and skill-building. This will be a 10 weekend workshop, with 90 minutes per week. The workshop is tentatively scheduled for mid April.

If you know someone who

  1. wants to startup soon
  2. wants to learn the challenges and difficulties of doing a startup
  3. wants a peer group that can help them through the journey
  4. is open to learning about and changing themselves
  5. And wants to co-create this program with iSPIRT,

Please nominate yourselves (or them) here


About the author

Manjula Sridhar