
Need 9 months to get baby out


One of the pressures and challenges of working on products is to get it out soon – the release. But I often recollect one of the leaders that I have worked with saying “need 9 months to get baby out”. What’s the right time for a product release – Some Considerations? Build for market, not a customer Remember products are not built for one customer, its built for several of them, for a...

The Most Important Metrics Immediately After Launch


Just released or about to release a mobile app? Do you have a checklist of which metrics you should be tracking? Deciding which metrics to track is simply deciding which questions you want to answer. And the key is in asking the right questions. Getting information about your app usage shouldn’t be like this. 1. User Acquisition The main activity after launch is user acquisition. Even if you are...

100 minds – 8 mins with each.


In simple maths, every one of the 100 who saw the videos, was kept engaged for at least 8 minutes. Assuming they didn’t see all of the videos – a sales guy was around to continue conversations. Humans have recently surpassed the attention span of a goldfish. And you thought keeping a goldfish engaged was easy…. Knowcross sells a service automation and management software to Hotels. It’s...

First B2B Bootcamp for product startups – last day to apply


The last date to apply for this bootcamp has been extended to 16th August especially for Product Nation subscribers. TiE-IQ Bootcamp is a no contract and free  60-day bootcamp where the participating startups will have an opportunity to create products, launch companies and walk away with their spoils and a lot of learning. This first edition of the TiE-IQ Bootcamp is restricted to B2B technology...

5 tips to making a killer product video


Your product has something worthy – its just that no one reads now. So how do you make your audience appreciate the worthiness of your product. They’re hearing you – but are they listening to you?  Videos use 2 out of our 5 senses and if designed right – a video can help you can slip the pill. A pill that will start a conversation. And a conversation is the start to...

Product LaunchPAD: Putting the spotlight on 9 quality tech products


On day two of the NASSCOM Product Conclave, nine ‘Product LaunchPAD’ companies were announced. These companies were recognized for their high-quality, emerging products.  The gathering, which took place in the ‘Agenda’ hall at the Vivanta by Taj, comprised representatives of the selected companies, industry veterans, the co-hosts of the event (Sharad Sharma and MR Rangaswami) as well as members...

Let the world know about your software product


You’ve spent months and days and hours conceptualizing your product and then taking it to market. You’ve won the first few customers who are now stable and you’re thinking about what next…if you’ve achieved this, it’s time to show your product to the world. The NASSCOM Product Conclave LaunchPAD is the place you should be to demonstrate your product and recount your journey from CONCEPT to...

Want mass media coverage? Dumb down your story.


As a startup or small business, getting covered in The Economic Times or India Today can give your business the wings it needs. Investors take notice. Smart people working elsewhere look up your company. Team members thump their chest and show the coverage to their wives and girlfriends. You reach potential customers too if India is a part of your target market. Now, if you are in a sexy consumer...

CEO Attributes for Leading a Company from Launch to Success


Editor’s Note: InnovizeTech Software and its product, Sapience, is an early leader in India’s emerging software products story. Earlier in his career, InnovizeTech’s CEO and co-founder Shirish Deodhar founded two IT services companies, which had successful exits to Symantec Corp. and Symphony Services. Deodhar is also the author of the book, “From Entrepreneurs to Leaders.” In this article...