Why they're not giving feedback to your idea

Ideas used to be a dime a dozen. Now they’re a dime a million. 

Ideas have a short life. But you need to get some kinda feedback on your idea. It makes all the difference doesn’t it? Here are 3 reasons your idea isn’t getting validated feedback. There’s a clue in #3 that you should try and tell me if it worked for you.

1. You are verbose. Don’t write like diarrhea. Do this – send a single 140 Character tweet to the world about your product’s chief USP. Did someone respond? You get the picture? 

Your idea doesn’t reach the target audience if you’re writing more than 300 words. However, that’s not to say that you can’t draw your audience into a 3-5 min unsolicited engagement through the audio visual format. 

2. You are irrelevant. The person you’re asking feedback from has no relevance to what you’re asking. She doesn’t understand it, doesn’t care about it, and has no time to appreciate why its important for you. 

Your idea doesn’t reach the target audience if you’re talking bananas to a penguin. Penguins don’t eat banana. In all probability, they don’t even know what a banana is. 
3. You are being selfish. Don’t ask before you have something to offer in return. My permission is my property. Don’t try to take that from me. So don’t spam me unless you’re offering some free money. (And I will not click on your AD – just send the money in cash please.)

This Validated feedback that I glorify will be amazingly well received by your marketing function. This time, DO trust a marketer – go get that feedback.

About the author

ProductNation Network
  • Raks

    The article would have been useful if you would have given some examples of feedback gathering the correct way

    • Hi Raks – thanks for your comment. To give the author some benefit of doubt, wouldn’t you agree that a one-size-fits-all solution may not work – especially since ‘validated’ feedback kinda goes beyond just a ‘like’ or ‘hate’.

      In simpler words – if your problem is unique, then the process of collecting feedback will also be unique.

      I’ve done silly things like sit outside their office – until they throw me out. The purpose of collecting the feedback is directly linked to your ‘will’.

      Would you like to hear examples of how strong will gets feedback?