TagSoftware Innovation

The six key pillars of software that enables Innovation-led growth


Ever wondered if a Software could help business chart the next growth curve?. The marketplace is changing and the competition is catching up. Organisations need a new concept to break out to create the next growth curve and they depend on functions like Strategy, NPD ( New product development ), R&D Teams internally. Some of these organizations also use external consulting firms, crowdsource...

Ideas are NOT dime a dozen! At least good ones! Building an Innovation Culture! #ThinkBig


Ideas are dime a dozen! It’s all in the execution! So goes the popular wisdom. Indian start-ups and accelerators keep talking about identifying problems and solving them. True. There are great companies like redBus.in that were built using this approach. However, there are other great companies like Twitter that were not born out of any urgent problems that people had. They developed a...