TagSeema Joshi

Keep Calm and Attend PNcamp 2.0


You’re a dreamer? You’re a doer? You’re a doer-turned-dreamer? You’re a dreamer-turned-doer? If you are some or all of that, you are quite likely an entrepreneur!! It is no secret that a start-up’s journey is action-packed—identifying the right problems to solve, validating possible solutions, getting the product-market fit right, building an awesome product—figuring out the roadmap items to say...

Product Leaders Forum brings PLF 2015 to create and celebrate product leaders!


There are two things that ring loud in my head whenever I think about PLF. The first is the teaching by renowned Chinese philosopher Lao-Tzu that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. And the second is the quote “Celebrate what you have accomplished but raise the bar a little higher each time you succeed” by Mia Hamm a leading soccer player who has many firsts to her name. At...

A perspective from the other side – Seema Joshi, Lead Product Manager – BMC Software, #PNHangout.


In this #PNHangout, Seema Joshi, Lead Product Manager – BMC Software, shared with us her insights about Product management and the challenges and scope on the road ahead for Women Product Managers. Why did you choose to be a Product Manager? There are two aspects to why I chose to be a Product Manager. The first is related to the evolution of the Indian IT industry and the second my personal...

What to expect in the first #PNSummit – 4th & 5th December, Pune


The #PNSummit is going to be an event like none other. Volunteers who are from the Product community themselves, are putting it together and building it on the pillars of intensity, focus and exclusivity (only practicising product professionals attend the PNSummit). Here’s a quick peek into what #PNSummit is all about #PNSummit – Two Day Gathering of Practicing Product Professionals from pn...