Tagpallav nadhani

Customer discovery meets Indiana Jones at #PNSummit


If you haven’t made up your mind whether you should be at PNSummit, then you’re probably thinking too hard. It’s not a Conference. It’s not a Conference. Yes, I said that twice. It’s brought to you by iSPIRT ProductNation. And a team of selfless volunteers who want to give back. These guys have regular companies to run. And day jobs. Putting together #PNSummit is back breaking work. But they...

What to expect in the first #PNSummit – 4th & 5th December, Pune


The #PNSummit is going to be an event like none other. Volunteers who are from the Product community themselves, are putting it together and building it on the pillars of intensity, focus and exclusivity (only practicising product professionals attend the PNSummit). Here’s a quick peek into what #PNSummit is all about #PNSummit – Two Day Gathering of Practicing Product Professionals from pn...

Pallav Nadhani’s list of Top 10 mistakes entrepreneurs make…(Part 2 of 2)


Pallav Nadhani, CEO and Co-founder of FusionCharts, was just 17 when he started the data visualization product company in 2002. The company today is one of India’s most successful product stories and happens to be one of the first Indian start-ups to have caught the eye of the Obama administration. FusionCharts has a user base of 450,000 across 118 countries, and the company celebrates its 10th...

Find out what inspired Pallav Nadhani to start FusionCharts on their 10th anniversary.(Part 1 of 2)


Pallav Nadhani, CEO and Co-founder of FusionCharts, was just 17 when he started the data visualization product company in 2002. The company today is one of India’s most successful product stories and happens to be one of the first Indian start-ups to have caught the eye of the Obama administration. FusionCharts has a user base of 450,000 across 118 countries, and the company celebrates its 10th...