Tagcustomer centric businesses

Need the right data to make the right decision


Recently I read a blog post by Mr. Przyklenk, senior manager, digital insights, for TDBank Group. Big Data is the next “BIG” thing, but is this “BIG” thing applicable for everyone, is the “BIG question. Let’s consider TDBank Group, the second largest financial institution in Canada.  They began re-evaluating their customer data when branch traffic declined without a significant increase in...

Is on boarding a game changer for customer centric businesses???


To stand out in today’s increasingly digital world, enterprises need to adapt to change by tapping into market, understanding the trends and anticipating what’s next. This digital world is not just technology, strategy and business, but cultures that are changing rapidly. This is the age of the customer and onboarding is the first impression of your service. Make your first impression the best...