TagAnusha Murthy

Getting Marketing basics Right (for First Timers) by Pallav Nadhani, FusionCharts #SaaSx3


Marketing for beginners The morning of the SaaSx3, saw a round table by Pallav Nadhani, CEO of Fusion Charts. And I was one of the few lucky people who managed to find a seat at this already cramped round table. Pallav, kick-started the session with a question: Who are you & what will the world miss if your company dies in 10 years? The question (although slightly morbid) did its trick. It...

Product Market Fit – Pre Event playbook by @Avlesh @WebEngage & Arvind Kumar, @attunetech


The morning of the SaaSx2 event saw a great pre-event playbook at the Attune Tech’s Office. Avlesh from WebEngage, Arvind from Attune Tech. and Suresh from KiSSFLOW came together to host the session and anchor the round table. With a casual round of introductions, Suresh kickstarted the entire roundtable discussion with a question: Who is your ideal user? Identifying the ideal user for your...