Tag99Tests Praveen Singh AngelPrime Amit Somani Capillary Technologies Pravanjan Choudhury CGE Peter Evans ContractIQ Ashwin Ramasamy FreeCharge Pravin J Hano Thiyagarajan InMobi Preetham Instamojo Akash

SaaSx Chennai Express – Board this Train Now!


I am Amit – running a SaaS venture Interview Mocha, a pre-employment skill testing company. In this blog I am sharing my learning from SaaSx and how it helped me achieve product-market fit and grow my company fast. As they say, “a startup’s life is a roller coaster with ups and downs”, this ride has not been easy for me either. Just to talk in numbers, in the first 1.5 yrs of our existence, we...

Platform Roundtable in Bangalore on “Global Platform businesses – Are Indian companies poised to win?” by Dr. Peter Evans, Vice President and Sangeet Paul Choudary of Center for Global Enterprise


iSPIRT – co-hosted the first Platform Roundtable to prime the discussion on Indian platform companies’ game plan for potential business disruption that platform companies bring to a sector. It was held on 12th March at the office of InMobi, Bangalore. The Roundtable was anchored by Dr. Peter Evans, Vice President at CGE and Sangeet Paul Choudary, a CGE Fellow and founder of Platform Thinking Labs...