Product Conclave – One of the Most Exciting Event for Product Entrepreneurs

One of the most exciting product events in India starts next week. It is called Product Conclave and there, you will find one of the best gathering of product entrepreneurs and product ecosystem supporters. If you have already registered and attending it, I would love to meet you. If not, some of us will try to convey the excitement, spirit and knowledge from the event through various social media activities.

Here are some resources for you to start understanding what goes on at this event.

  1. Here is a link to the web site of the main event which provides an overview and bits of history
  2. Here is the agenda one of the best I have seen at any conference focused totally on entrepreneurs
  3. Here are some blogs to watch – the official blog and productnation blog
  4. twitter stream
  5. Facebook Page for Product Conclave
  6. I set up Indian Product Companies Informal Networking Group on LinkedIn . It is an open group. Feel free to join and introduce yourself. If you are planning to attend the event, let us try to gather during some breaks and get to know one another. If you have ideas on networking please share them on a thread there.
  7. I will be collaborating with a few more entrepreneurs and managing some unconference style sessions. If you are interested, please go to this link and vote for existing ideas or feel free to add your own. We will take the top three ideas and turn them into unconference style sessions.  More on the process we follow in another blog post.

I will start a series of posts on the (unconference style) sessions I will be moderating and participating in.  So be prepared for a higher rate of posts than normal. I will prefix all of them with Product Conclave (and tag them as well).

I need a favor from you. If you think there are other sources of information – individual blogs (for example), please do leave a comment with a link. I will create another post with an expanded set of links.

About the author

Dorai Thodla