
Product Teardown at the “SaaS”y Day at Chennai: Chapter 2 on SaaSx3


The sea breeze was cool. And the SaaSy people went cool as well. Kiruba unleashed some tricks for networking that had the participants engaging in banter, fun and games on the lawn. It also wore off the participants from postprandial somnolence (carb coma) after lunch. The SaaSy bus by then had arrived from Bengaluru, and the participant number swelled to 150 or so. Using your product as a...

It Was a “SaaS”y Day at Chennai: Chapter 1#SaaSx3


The April sun wasn’t evident at the beach side locale, near the historic town of Mamallapuram, which hold relics of exceptional beauty on its rocks sculpted under the patronage of the Pallava kings. Had it been the early part of last century, in all probability, we could have reached this place in passenger boats sailing through the Buckingham Canal, now condemned to history. It was using this...

SaaSx3 is here!


It’s that time of the year when some of the most passionate founders of promising startups meet, connect, learn and engage. It’s that time of the year, when the SaaS quotient of Chennai shoots up the sky. SaaSx3 is back with a powerful line-up of sessions, and this time we head to the beach. Here are some of the interesting events you can look forward to at SaaSx3: 3 Playbook RoundTables with...

Nuts & Bolts of Marketing & Selling in US for First Timers: A crash course playbook!!


After releasing recently SoftALM and SoftAgile (Agile Project & ALM Tools), we at JamBuster were trying to decide on how to sell these tools in US.  We had sold software services in US earlier, but selling software product to US from India is new to us. So we were looking for some help! They say- we start seeing things, when we start looking for them.  I noticed an email from Avinash Raghava...

SaaS-y marketing with Nuns: How @ChargeBee used guerilla marketing to promote an unsexy B2B product.


This is the story of how we spiced up our marketing campaign, brought a lot of smiles and drew attention during the recent SaaStr Annual event. Background The objective is to create the largest Enterprise Software company from India. This can be accomplished if top entrepreneurs can learn each other and then pass the learning to others. When doing your job right involves going unnoticed, how do...

SaaS Pricing and Value Metrics – Lessons from the Top Seeds


Two libraries. One charges you based on the number of books that you pick, while for the other, the rental period forms the basis of its prices. Now, which one would you prefer to get your books from? There’s no right or wrong answer in this scenario. What matters here is how you were able to make your choice, with a single criteria. Both libraries cater to the same audience, with the same...

SaaSx Chennai Express – Board this Train Now!


I am Amit – running a SaaS venture Interview Mocha, a pre-employment skill testing company. In this blog I am sharing my learning from SaaSx and how it helped me achieve product-market fit and grow my company fast. As they say, “a startup’s life is a roller coaster with ups and downs”, this ride has not been easy for me either. Just to talk in numbers, in the first 1.5 yrs of our existence, we...

SaaSx2 – The Afterword


SaaSx2 just got over last week, and we’ve been talking to several people who attended about what they liked, what they didn’t, and what they might want more of when we plan SaaSx3. We have the ratings from the attendees and also several testimonials that we pored through to get these up for you. Fireside Chat 1 : Aneesh with Ahi & Asha Fireside Chat 2 : Girish with Sumanth Onething Series by...

SaaSx2 rocked :-)


I have read about startup founders who don’t (or stopped) attend events – justifiably so. In ecosystems where there is now an entire industry of events springing up (i.e. it feels to me that some people’s startup in itself is all about organizing events), it becomes very difficult to separate the wheat from the shaft. Overall, value gets diluted in a bid to make profit. SaaSx2 is in its own class...

Three Things To Do Before You Launch Your SaaS Startup To Get InBound Leads


There are 3 items you should do quickly, if you are going to launch your SaaS startup or a new product that caters to a new audience. First, get listed on SaaS marketplaces, Cloud Brokerage Services and Cloud listing providers. There are over 120 SaaS marketplaces from telcos – AT&T,  T-Mobile and others, to large Cloud Service Providers (AWS, Google, Microsoft, etc.) and other large...