AuthorAmit Singhal

5 Questions You Should Ask Before Launching A Product Startup


The number of startups launching every month is growing at a fast pace. Some entrepreneurs opt for a service based model, while others like me go the product model way. Although, there is no clear winner in terms of which model is the best, right or a deal breaker, there are many factors that contribute to the success or failure of startups. However, when I launched my startup Sainergie, an IT...

An Entrepreneur At 40? This Is What Not To Do…


I have often heard people say that most men hit their mid-life crisis at 40. That’s when they run a marathon, try to reinvent their personal image or quit their job. Though, as a general rule, I do not believe in such lores, I must admit that it might have been true in my case. I experienced my ‘Eureka’ moment when I was merrily ambling towards my 4th decade. Sainergie was thus, borne. I am one...