
15 Steps towards Building a Great Product!


This for all founders & product geeks (that includes me too) who want to build the next great product. Sharing all this for #StartupKarma (Heard this from Bowei – ‘Continue to give away and help other entrepreneurs with a hope that it comes back to you someday!’) 15 Steps towards building a Great Product! from P J The Background: As a startup founder, one gets bombarded with advice on...

Forget coding. Startup founders should focus on Product & Design.


Last year (2011) learning coding was hot, may be it still is. Sites like Code for America came up; startups like Codecademy, Learnstreet, Udacity, etc came up that were focusing on building products that enabled others to learn coding in an interactive way. Then it looked like a kind of movement, a revolution in making. Being a startup founder some of those effects trickled down to India – that...