Tagvinod khosla

Indian Product owners solving problems that Indian Business Owners are facing


In the Speaker Lounge at NPC12, I asked Bob Wright what new he saw at the conclave this year. He said this year he sees Indian Product owners solving problems that Indian Business Owners are facing. This SMB market in India is lying legs-wide-apart – only money can be made here. Here are 3 industries that I believe are fertile grounds in India: 1. Diagnostics – Data that allows the...

Product Conclave: Why I Love It


I really loved being there because: You meet and get to know some really cool people (Sharad, Avinash, Mukund, MR were just a few cool people I met at these events first). There is a bigger list but this will give you some idea of what I am talking about) The quality of conversations is one of the best in the industry. I have been to several conferences in US and India. This one beats them all...