TagStartup funding

8 Personal Finance tips for Bootstrapping Entrepreneurs


Starting up is hard, make no mistake about it, while media romanticizes startups and mostly talks about the glorious success stories, what goes behind is months and years of toil, frustration, fighting all kinds of odds. Cliched as it might sound but overnight success is the culmination of years of hard work. Bootstrapping a startup is even tougher, apart from challenges of building right...

Scalability Vs Sustainability – What should come first for a startup?


In the highly competitive market today, it seems like a trick question on whether a startup should focus on scalability, which seemed to be a trend until last year, or sustainability. Though one might toss for scalability at the very outset, facts speak otherwise. This year, a lot has been written on the high “cash burn rates” of the star online startups and predictions of doom in the areas of...