TagStanford University

Startup Bridge India: Breaking Down Borders, Barriers and BS


India has fast emerged as the world’s second largest Internet market. Since 2012, nearly $15 billion has been invested in tech startups with over 300 M&A deals. However, a large percentage of deals (80%, 2014-Q3’16) were sub-$5M deals driven by acquihires and restructuring. Looking west to Israel and the US, it is clear that for a healthy technology product ecosystem, further acceleration in...

Will the Revolution Happen?


Revolution is not an easy word to throw around. Those cheering for a software products revolution in India must look at the historical context. Innovation Factory So many countries and communities have tried to emulate the amazing startup culture that exists in the United States, specifically in the Silicon Valley. The Valley is not only a fountainhead of creation and innovation in computer...

Is Software Innovation an Art or a Science? It's Artful Science or Scientific Art!


When we think of Software Product Innovation, we imagine getting “Eureka!” moments 3 am in the morning, getting up and writing down inspired thoughts and coding them the next morning! Reality is much more mundane and is more of evolution rather than sudden insprirations from the sky! Yahoo started because Jerry Yang and Filo just wanted to create a searchable directory of information...