Managing and handling the activities of schools manually is considered to be a painful task. Each and every department is important to be handled in order to ensure its proper functioning like a MNC. A Software technology can help you administer entire institute by providing a detailed as well as summarised reports of all students as well as staff. Our team has done an extensive research on the...
#MadeinIndia Cloud telephony and IVRS
The market has been abuzz lately with cloud-based applications and let us admit it, there is more to come.The industry is adopting Cloud based solutions like never before and start-ups are cashing on this technology.One such cloud based technology which is fast gaining its hold in the Indian market is Cloud Telephony or IVR solutions. Now you can conveniently do away with those PBX, IVR, wires...
Benefits of CRM Software – A 360° Evaluation
Do you own a business and face the problem of customer communication? Are you unaware of your customers’ needs? Are your customer’s unhappy with your services? Are you unable to analyze the progress of your business? Then, to all such problems there is one and only one solution – the CRM Software. In any business two things are very critical: customers and employees. The growth of any business...