Tagsameer agarwal

What to expect in the first #PNSummit – 4th & 5th December, Pune


The #PNSummit is going to be an event like none other. Volunteers who are from the Product community themselves, are putting it together and building it on the pillars of intensity, focus and exclusivity (only practicising product professionals attend the PNSummit). Here’s a quick peek into what #PNSummit is all about #PNSummit – Two Day Gathering of Practicing Product Professionals from pn...

7 tips to build a script :: a Step by Step guide


I wish it was mathematical. But it isn’t. There are unlimited combinations when building a story. That’s what makes it so much fun to consume – you never know how the storyteller tells it…  So instead of giving you tips in a bulleted format – let’s build a script together. What we know (or must know) before we start: This is for a 60 sec pitch video about a product called Glitch...