TagSaaS eco-system

Getting SaaSier every year #SaaSx #Chennai


With almost 150 SaaS founders, a set of investors, and the volunteers, SaaSx was rocking content-wise from 10am to 9:30pm, with the @Zarget beachside dinner kicking it into the next gear. How do we know it was a good event? Well the NPS score of 76, with 91 responses says it all! Probably only event that was worth being a part of in the last 1 year. Happy to volunteer next time! The most earth...

A personal introduction to #SaaSx4, and why I believe Chennai is the place to be right now for SaaS startups


I have worked with iSPIRT for many years now and one of my key lessons has been around the dynamics behind community and ecosystem building. I have learnt that just having a plethora of startups in one geographical location doesn’t make that place the natural epicenter or capital. There is something more to it, an X factor that goes beyond mere arithmetic. This X factor is something that I think...