Tagrecurring billing

Recurring Billing for SaaS. Is it available in India?


Recurring Billing  – demystified for SaaS companies Abstract For any SaaS Startup with India market focus, the biggest bottleneck today is recurring billing. It is not available as an open, over the counter service from payment gateways. Most startups have to work around to solve this problem. The workaround may be using an expensive international payment gateway or it may be incorporating...

SaaS-y marketing with Nuns: How @ChargeBee used guerilla marketing to promote an unsexy B2B product.


This is the story of how we spiced up our marketing campaign, brought a lot of smiles and drew attention during the recent SaaStr Annual event. Background The objective is to create the largest Enterprise Software company from India. This can be accomplished if top entrepreneurs can learn each other and then pass the learning to others. When doing your job right involves going unnoticed, how do...