TagProduct Tear Down sessions

5 reasons why you should NOT attend #SaaSx4


SaaSx4 is here! It is an event for SaaS founders, by SaaS founders. Generally, event invites to entrepreneurs focus on why it is imperative to network and learn at the event. SaaSx is different though. Here are 5 reasons why you shouldn’t attend the event! You hate criticism!   SaaSx is all about learning. The speakers and mentors at the event will be honest and brutal in the feedback they dish...

On Independence Day, India’s budding product entrepreneurs get the freedom to choose: Introducing the Product Nation Founders Hub(PNFh)


On Independence Day, we at Product Nation have an important announcement to make. This one was a long time coming, as we tried to classify, clear up, and target our efforts for the product ecosystem better. This update is mainly focused on the Playbook pillar, one of iSPIRT’s key initiatives, and will have effects on other fronts as well. We are reviving some of the initiatives; to others we have...