
India B2B Software Products Industry Clocks Solid Growth from 2014 to 2015


India’s B2B software product industry has grown nicely since we published the first edition of this index in November 2014 – the top 30 companies are valued at $10.25 billion (₹65,500 crores) and employ over 21,000 people.  The index has grown 20% in USD terms and 28% in INR terms from October 30, 2014 to June 30, 2015. There has been an acceleration since 2010 in the pace of creation of B2B...

The Kayako culture – Startup lessons in building organisational values


How leaving our values unclear started breaking our culture at Kayako, how we fixed it and what we learned. In the early days, a startup’s values and culture — the essence — is very much a reflection of the founding team. These values don’t need to be documented, they usually just are. As new people join the team, the essence will transfer by osmosis. It’s in the air. The essence will be picked...

Baby steps to an Indian Microsoft


A country well known for its software services now has an opportunity to build world-beating software products. At a recent corporate awards ceremony, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) was crowned as the company of the year. Piyush Goyal, the Minister of State for Power, Coal and New & Renewable Energy hurriedly stepped up to the lectern after the award was given. He told the assembled...

Some People Hate Self-Checkout


There’s a myth out there that helpdesk companies like to perpetuate about customer service automation — that it will save you time, that all your competitors are doing it, and you need to have it too so you can go work on more important things. Except this it isn’t true. As our friends at Buffer like to say about social media automation, “It’s not a rotisserie oven. Please don’t set it and forget...

Jalandhar School Kid drops University builds a Global Software Product Company


NASA.GE. Disney. A global software product – Kayako. Jalandhar – a growing city in Punjab,India. And a school kid who opted out of University. Sounds like the script of the next “The Social Network” hollywood movie. The truth – the movie might have to wait. Because this success story from India’s hinterland is only getting started. And yes the school kid who was only seventeen...