
5 Social Media Tips for Startups


Social Media. We’ve heard this before. We’ve all been there, been awed by its presence, laughed at the funny cat pictures and marveled at the brilliant campaigns run by Businesses like Star Sports (#MaukaMauka?). As a startup, we all know and understand the power of Social Media. We would all also like to get in on the action and have our own pages roaring with likes and User Engagement. We want...

Voice of Customer Digital platform for Indian SMEs – the Inquirly story #BootUpINDIA


Inquirly is an integrated Voice of Customer Digital platform, designed exclusively to help Indian SMEs listen to their customers, engage with them, act on specific requests, all of these, using a single integrated platform. Product Nation interviewed Anjan Choudhary, founder of Inquirly to understand about the start-up, its products and experiences working with Indian SME customers. Read on… ...