
Showcase of 8 Innovative companies for #IndiaInternetDay – A TiE event


It’s here! The India Internet Day(a TiE event) celebration is beginning, and you’re all a part of it. You may be an outelier, an insider, a veteran, an investor, a trend spotter, an experimentor or an industry driver, but this is your go-to event this year. Why? We’re looking at the long-term horizon and paradigm shifts in the internet industry globally and translating that in the Indian context...

Huntshire – Hiring Talent via Virtual Hunts!


HuntShire’s mission is to match the right candidate with the right employer through online talent hunts that are designed to assess specific skills against job requirements. It conducts role specific talent hunts on behalf of a range of recruiters and registered candidates can simply choose to participate to show they have the right skills for the job.     In conversation with Aakriti...