Tagcore banking

How a much needed niche banking product was born – The iCreate story.


ProductNation caught up with iCreate Software co-founder Naren Santhanam, on what went in to the making of a successful product. It was circa 2006 when Naren met Anup while they were consultants on the Banking vertical at a technology MNC. They knew from experience that banks had a challenge in accessing information across different systems and there was potential in pioneering something exciting...

Conversation with Banking Software Solutions Provider InfrasoftTech


Editor’s note: InfrasoftTech provides core banking, microfinance and anti-money laundering software solutions for the global banking and financial services industry and focuses on enhancing banks’ reach through e-channels. Hanuman Tripathi, co-founder and group managing director, discusses the global market for his company’s products and shares information for other entrepreneurs about the risks...