
#ArthaSiddhi: Imparting life skills and effectual skills to pre-entrepreneurs…


2 week back, Rohan, Madhav, Milind and I graduated successfully from a first of a kind program, called ‘ArthaSiddhi’. This activity based program was conceived with the intent of imparting life skills to pre-entrepreneurs. The objectives of the program were to get participants to understand what it would take for them to embark on the entrepreneurial journey. Further, through various activities...

Kicking off the Second Edition of Pre-Entrepreneur boot camp #ArthaSiddhi


So for all the folks who were eagerly waiting for the second edition (there were few who sent us requests through email and twitter), your opportunity is here. (For new folks take a look at this blog post to get some context) 1st batch of ispirt pre-entrepreneurs graduated ! woo hoo ! @prasanna_says @avinashraghava @Product_Nation @mtrajan pic.twitter.com/rghfDANf8k — manjula (@manjulogic) June...