Tag3D Printing

As somebody rightly said “it was all a notion but hey, its innovation now”


What’s more, when you give this notion a Woodstock fever! That would be Innofest’2015. My participation was courtesy iSPIRT and Avinash, with whom I was interacting for my startup. One thing lead to another, and like a typical startup guy, I asked for a discount. Voila, got a free pass. So, the day was 22nd August, a Saturday; excitement was there in the air, I am still at home but the thought of...

The Most Important Technology Trends of 2014, According to Gartner


Leading market analysts issue their latest technology trends every year. Gartner, Inc., the world’s leading information technology research and advisory company has defined the top 10 technology trends and drivers that will be strategic for Indian organizations in 2014. These technologies can impact an organization’s long-term plans, programs and initiatives. Implementing business process...