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Customer discovery meets Indiana Jones at #PNSummit

If you haven’t made up your mind whether you should be at PNSummit, then you’re probably thinking too hard. It’s not a Conference. It’s not a Conference. Yes, I said that twice. It’s brought to you by iSPIRT ProductNation. And a team of selfless volunteers who want to give back. These guys have regular companies to run. And day jobs. Putting together #PNSummit is back breaking work. But they...

20th #PlayBookRT at Chennai: Sales war stories from 2 SaaS start-ups

An interesting discussion on the theme of ‘Sales’ happened last weekend at Chennai (Orangescape office) as part of the iSpirt round table. Shashank N D from Practo and Girish Rowjee from Greytip gave engaging presentations on their journey and the ~20 participants responded enthusiastically with several interruptions (read questions :)). [Note: A similar discussion in Bengaluru was covered...

Know your audience.

We, Indian entrepreneurs, can think big, can write code, can build a sustainable business, can raise money and we might as well make a successful exit but we still face challenges in making a 2 minutes presentation that would that would at least make the listeners curious about our startup. I happen to attend an event recently wherein around 8 established and mostly funded startups presented to a...

100 minds – 8 mins with each.

In simple maths, every one of the 100 who saw the videos, was kept engaged for at least 8 minutes. Assuming they didn’t see all of the videos – a sales guy was around to continue conversations. Humans have recently surpassed the attention span of a goldfish. And you thought keeping a goldfish engaged was easy…. Knowcross sells a service automation and management software to Hotels. It’s...

Susant Pattnaik: Real Life ‘Doremon’ or an Innovation Champ?

TV addict Kids in India simply love Japanese cartoon character ‘Doremon’ who always come up with very cool gadgets to help his very average and foolish brother Nobita. Doremon’s gadgets are unreal but still fantastic and innovative and kids always dream of having them. But I wish to take this opportunity to talk about Susant Pattnaik, a real life Indian Doremon. Susant, son of a veterinarian from...

19th #PlaybookRT – Insights on the Indian Product Ecosystem

This #PlaybookRT was led by Shivku, techie and founder of Exotel. The theme ‘The Ship of Theseus’ was inspired by the movie released in 2012 and also by a team in TCS that used to call itself the Ship of TCS. The focus of this Round Table was to evaluate if product developers have enough insight about the Indian Consumer to make a product company. Most technology companies have an exposure to the...

Being Lean: Being Flat: Being Beautiful!

In this blog we look at the ever changing dynamics of organizations today, especially product organizations in India. Implementing lean and agile practices have become common practice across the enterprise, let us look at some examples and see how some organizations are changing. • In a three year product company somewhere in Bangalore, there were 25 people out of whom 18 were managers. • In...

Building products to last – Can it increase your valuation?

The inspiration for this article came up from the animated discussion that’s going on at the Product Nation discussion Forum on ‘Customized Product’ – A true Oxymoron.  We all know that customization is bad, and well architected extensions are the way to go. However, I decided to pursue on what ‘well architected’ really means, and what it means for the product business. The answer that came up is...

Go to market strategy for start-ups

For small businesses to succeed in today’s fiercely competitive market is no easy job. While you might think that once you ideate and put a business plan in place, your long cherished dream is soon going to be realized, hold on to the thought! Have you given enough thought to your go to market strategy? If not, then right now is the time and the following tips will help you do it the right way: ...

The first #PNSummit – Are you ready to report for BootCamp? Yes, that's right. BootCamp. For Product Leaders.

It has been a pretty frenzied two weeks or so for us #PNSummit volunteers, but here we are, and we have something to show you and the world. 

But first, what went into it. We brainstormed. We chatted. We argued. We used all that, and combined that with actual user feedback gleaned from the dozens of Playbook RoundTables, meetings conducted by iSPIRT. The whole team put their thinking caps on...