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Hiring for your startup

This may be one of the most clichéd topics on startup land. Everyone and her mother-in-law would have a view on who should be hired and who should not be! So, I would start with a disclaimer that these are some of personal experiences in hiring for my two startups and according to me, the top 2 or 3 focus areas for any entrepreneur. Few hiring practices which worked for my startup are Always look...

What’s Freemium Gaming?

Freemium has become the preferred business model in mobile game development, accounting for almost 93% of mobile gaming revenue in 2013. Many, if not all game developers around the world have adapted their mobile development strategy to harness the power of freemium. As counter intuitive as it may sound, “Freemium” games are in-fact more lucrative than one time purchase games (premium games). If...

ClinchPad is rethinking the sales tool for small enterprises.

Delhi has stereotypically been the startup city of deals and hustlers. Infamous for people who tend to prize their ‘contacts’ and somehow this fits right into the grand scheme of things that the online sales CRM ClinchPad is based in the capital city. About Started by Cheenu Madan, ClinchPad is a SaaS based product aimed at small teams and organizations to help effectively channel and manage...

Sales Wisdom from Million Dollar Product Companies

Why Buy Mine? This is the question I have kept asking myself ever since Pallav and Paras did their “Global Lean Sales” session at the #PNCamp in November. I used to send a long email before and often had to explain a lot to why we charge higher. Now I just use the below message and it does the job. There is nothing different from what we were doing earlier. But our message to our market is now...

Yes! We invested in Little Eye Labs! Lots of interest in Healthcare too! – Ventureast #ThinkInvestor

ThinkInvestor is iSPIRT and ProductNation’s new initiative to serve as a catalyst between Venture Capital firms, Angels, Angel Networks and Entrepreneurs. It is to go beyond brochure ware and dig deeper into the whole life cycle of a typical investment; from introductions, funding, styles of on-going engagement, to exits. And in the process, capture their views on global and local trends...

Well Begun Is Half Done: Glimpses From iSPIRT First Year Anniversary Party

They (you’ll never know who these wise people are) say, well begun is half done. If you ask anyone connected with iSPIRT, I’m sure all of them will agree that we’ve definitely begun well, but definitely not on the ‘half done’ part! That definitely doesn’t take anything away from the impact iSPIRT has had in the short period that it has been in existence. From organizing India’s first bootcamp...

“The day we claim success is the day we fail”– Andy Walter, CIO of Procter & Gamble #InTech50

Andy Walter, CIO of Procter & Gamble strongly believes that the day we claim success is that day we stop innovating and the day we start climbing down. We are very fortunate to have Andy Walter CIO P&G to visit and talk about his experiences in what it takes to be a global enterprise product company and specifically what it takes for an Indian product to break into US enterprises. He is...

Discovery Hack Playbook Series – Effectuation – Experiential Workshop

In Early Stage Startups – What to do next ? Early stage startups and first time entrepreneurs face many challenges that are unprecedented in nature. – How to know which discussion (customer, vendors, mentors) inputs to keep and which to ignore ? – How to make confident decisions when very little information seem to be available and the stakes are high ? – How to navigate your...

Stories of small business owners who are paying for software in India

I used to come across a lot of people in India saying SME’s adopting software will always be DIM (Do-it-for-me) but then I thought hard about existing software users in India. Why would they use software day-in & day-out when they are not tech-savvy. That itch got me to work with my friend Tejaswi Raghurama to dig into stories of small business owners who are paying for software in India and...

Want to get our attention? Talk to the founders of our portfolio companies! – Blume Ventures #ThinkInvestor

ThinkInvestor is iSPIRT and ProductNation’s new initiative to serve as a catalyst between Venture Capital firms, Angels, Angel Networks and Entrepreneurs. It is to go beyond brochure ware and dig deeper into the whole life cycle of a typical investment; from introductions, funding, styles of on-going engagement, to exits. And in the process, capture their views on global and local trends...