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Why entrepreneurs should watch MasterChef Australia

This article is not about cooking or opportunities in the F&B sector. Instead, it is about the importance of design, presentation quality, and visual appeal. And the impact it can have on your business, including your ability to attract employees, mentors/advisors, suppliers, and investors. MasterChef Australia to me is an excellent reminder that producing a great product is not enough...

Some People Hate Self-Checkout

There’s a myth out there that helpdesk companies like to perpetuate about customer service automation — that it will save you time, that all your competitors are doing it, and you need to have it too so you can go work on more important things. Except this it isn’t true. As our friends at Buffer like to say about social media automation, “It’s not a rotisserie oven. Please don’t set it and forget...

#MadeinIndia Software for Billing and invoicing

Billing and invoicing software probably are the most used software in the world. And India has some very efficient software product that are being used all over the world. Here is a list of 15 #MadeinIndia Software for billing and invoicing . (In alphabetical order) AccountingGuru – A Web based billing, inventory and accounting software AccountingGuru has a primary focus on the Indian...

6 Steps to prevent your Product from becoming multiple Applications! All in Cartoons!

Somewhere along my long software engineering career, I sat one more time rolling my eyes and clucking mentally that one more product is about to become a series of applications! We are about to create multiple code line monsters that will be demanding and expensive to maintain! Yet, this is what happens in reality in most “Product Companies” that start out with the greatest of...

Product Management Roundtable For Startups by iSPIRT In Pune. #PlaybookRT

After all the missed opportunities of being at a PlaybookRT by iSPIRT, I finally made it to Pune last weekend for the roundtable on Product Management. Amit Somani and Rahul Kulkarni conducted the session. While I can’t do justice to all that was discussed at the session, I am translating my notes from the Roundtable into this blog post. After sharing some of our product dev insights in my last...

iSPIRT now Tracking the Size and Growth of the Indian B2B Software Products Industry through iSPIxB2B Index(Oct '14 Edition)

We believe the discussion about India’s technology industry – whether in government circles, the media or in Silicon Valley – overlooks India’s B2B software product companies which sell globally as well as into India. Instead, there is a lot of discussion about IT Services companies and E-commerce players. We would like to shine a spotlight on these Indian B2B software products companies through...

Get to Learn from @Zoho – Zoholics: India, Nov 20-21, Bengaluru

We have been around for the last 18 years, making software for businesses around the world. At Zoho, software is our craft and our passion. Our people spend years mastering the craft, and their handiwork are the 30+ products that we now offer. With more than 10 million users across the world, we are one of the largest IT product companies based out of India. This journey has taught us many...

Why social networks that pay you may be a bad idea

One of the most common questions I get asked, while talking about platforms, relates to the issue of labor on platforms. Facebook and Twitter, among others, get a lot of value from their users and make billions of dollars, but the users don’t see much kickback. The economics of free-labor platforms Social networks like Facebook and Twitter leverage free labor from a global talent pool to...

How to Structure Sales and Marketing in a SaaS Business

The discussions continued post-lunch in the Playbook Roundtable led by Girish Mathrubootham, CEO and founder of Freshdesk, organized at the Freshdesk office in Chennai. During the extended session, Girish outlined the sales and marketing structure in a SaaS business. While this may be only taken as a pointer to setting up the sales and marketing teams, each business owner needs to focus on the...

Launching RSPCT(quarterly event brought to you by iSPIRT & Jaaga) for the next generation of software developers

We are looking for Bangalore based founders and senior developers interested in getting to know the next generation of software developers coming up in the Bangalore tech scene now. RSPCT is a quarterly event brought to you by iSPIRT & Jaaga. We ask people to come to the events regularly (every 3 months) so you can get to know the individuals over time. We will be recognizing upcoming...