The need to be viable in terms of paying customers and indeed the very survival of start ups are dependent on their ability to attract as many paying customers in a short time frame- however a majority of early stage start ups do not look at a planned approach to their marketing, branding and sales and depend a lot on their individual jugaad. The case study written down will capture a start up...
An Imaginary Start up Case Study- Need for a planned Marketing & Sales outreach
Screeny — Delete space consuming screenshots easily!
So that you can make more space for your photos and memories. Being a designer, one is always looking for inspirations, working on ideas, trying and testing various versions of designs, giving feedback to the team, and all of this results in an unattended collection of… screenshots! Using a 16GB iPhone a year and a half back, I asked a question on twitter “Is there an easy way to delete all my...
Five things about Product Marketing you can learn from Chetan Bhagat
As a product marketer specialising in content, I’ve always found it irksome to explain to people just how difficult my craft is, and how much time it takes to do it well. Building a brand isn’t easy; it takes a lot of effort, planning, strategy & execution, and involves as much editing out as it involved creating more. And even then, one misplaced word or misguided blog post can turn around...
#MadeinIndia Cloud telephony and IVRS
The market has been abuzz lately with cloud-based applications and let us admit it, there is more to come.The industry is adopting Cloud based solutions like never before and start-ups are cashing on this technology.One such cloud based technology which is fast gaining its hold in the Indian market is Cloud Telephony or IVR solutions. Now you can conveniently do away with those PBX, IVR, wires...
The Nascent Transparency Movement Shifts Gears
Two recent blogposts, one simply titled Transparency by Amarpreet Kalkat of Frrole, and the other labeled Sharing by Sumanth Raghavendra of Deck, have given embrynonic radical transparency movement a boost. This movement in India started many years back when NPC started published its internal metrics (see the example for 2009 & 2010). Initially this caused a stir. Luckily, appreciation...
Tax challenges being faced by the(SPI)Software Product Industry and Budget Recommendations made by iSPIRT.
With the budget closing in on the industry there are hectic conversations to represent the Software Product Industry in the right manner in the Ministry of Finance. The tax issues both on the Indirect Tax and Direct Tax have been plaguing the Industry for a long time and this hangout addresses the things which need to be done very well. The Indepth Knowledge of Bharat Goenka (Tally Solutions)...
How Foradian has established its position in school management software with an innovative product
Kerala based, Foradian Technologies that began as a web development and services company, soon emerged to be one of the fastest growing firms in the field of school management software. What came as a small software requirement to store school records and procedures soon caught the attention of the State Government of Kerala, which deployed Fedena in all their schools under the Project Sampoorna...
UxNow ~ Nickel o Wonder : The Design Conference
“It was a rainy day. Everyone in the family was relaxing and I, in my cuddling days, was sketching scenery with mountains, birds and rivers. I filled my clipart with all the colors I wished for and stroked in every direction with the freedom unrestricted. Upon finishing my drawing, I jumped and jacked straight to my granny and she, with all the worldly affection, patted my shoulder and gifted...
Nuts and Bolts of Marketing & selling SaaS products to US customers from India for First Timers
In innumerable brainstorming and “gyan” sessions with friends, mentors and experts, one of the most stressed focus area is getting product market fit as soon as possible and then follow it up with scaling sales. I think most early to mid stage entrepreneurs are instinctively aware of this but struggling with “Hows”. So when I saw this playbook promising precisely to explain how, I grabbed a...
My Learning while building a Bootstrap Startup in India
I had written a post How I built a 1100+ users SaaS business as a Single Founder with Zero Marketing Budget some time back which got covered at YourStory. Since then I have got lot of mails asking many questions, I did tried my best (and will always be) to answer to everyone but it is not possible to reply to everyone so I thought I should write down a post putting down all my learning. I feels...