I had started InBoundio in Jan 2013. After doing lot of freelancing, services and building casual hobby products, this was my first serious attempt in building a web product and business. This also made me took a dive into core technology as earlier I only had surface knowledge of technology. It did well and got reasonable success. We did plenty of iterations with product feature and pricing and...
I have Sold My Startup
iSPIRT announces the launch of InnoFest 2015
A ‘first of its kind’ marquee event to kick-start the next innovation wave in India, where Bengaluru takes the lead in showcasing Public-Private Partnership. With iSPIRT, we are happy to announce the launch of InnoFest – a day long Innovation festival jointly organized and sponsored by Public and Private Enterprise. The event, to be held at the Indian Institute of...
Service Oriented Startups
Last week a very interesting free e-book called “Software Paradox” was trending on Hacker News. The premise of the book is, that the value of software as a product is diminishing, but the value of software as an enableris rising. Pure play software companies such as Microsoft and Oracle are fading in comparison to rising stars such as Google, Facebook, Apple, Amazon and newer ones like Uber...
Customer Purchasing Insights for School Management Software
SoftwareSuggest is India’s largest software discovery & recommendation platform. We provide free consultation on software, and help SMEs them select the right software. As a part of our business, we collect customer requirements, which when analysed can serve the industry with deep insights. Keeping the same in context, we are introducing SoftwareSuggest insights. In our first research, we...
How To Pick And Choose Early Users / Customer For Your #Napkinstage Startup?
The first few customers (or users) usually set the tone for your startup. They are the ones with either acute pain or the burning problem, and the earliest of early adopters. Usually, I have found that most entrepreneurs get their early customers because of the relationship they have with them OR they solve a really pressing problem for their customers. When I talk to most entrepreneurs, one of...
Meeting Magic Mike Moritz XXL
What is common to Cisco, Oracle, Google, Apple and WhatsApp? Besides being some of the most iconic technology companies in history, all these marquee firms share one more thing in common – an investor named Sequoia Capital. Sequoia Capital is arguably the most prestigious VC firm on the planet and its chairman, Michael (Mike)Moritz is undeniably a legend in the tech investment arena. In a...
5 tips to build a global start-up
I run Corporate360, an international bootstrapped start-up and here are some tips for taking your start-up international from our experience. Growing any business is no mean feat, and for many setting up abroad can be a significant milestone in the growth of their business. In different countries and markets, regulation and style of business can all differ significantly. For example, in Singapore...
The Startup PR Checklist – What to do before a big launch
For early stage startups, cash-strapped and overworked, there are few things more valuable than PR. There is nothing more important at that stage than getting the word out there and getting users on board, for which PR is the only real shortcut available. And when there is an important feature release or a launch or a funding announcement and so on, all of which can be leveraged to get your...
The best way to predict the future is to invent it!
India is interestingly poised today. About half of India’s 1.25billion people are under the age of 25 and by 2020, India will be the world’s youngest country with an average age of 29. According to the World Bank, India’s will overtake China to become the world’s fastest growing big economy by 2017-18. The scale of opportunity – and of course the challenge – in India is unprecedented. Millions of...
Mobile Product & Growth Hacking RoundTable #playbookRT by @amitsomani & @VishalAnand
Having a completed a half century of RoundTables, the iSPIRT team was back with the 51st RoundTable on what’s currently the hot topic of discussion and debate in the startup community – mobile! A lot of startups are also trying to figure out their mobile strategy and this was evidenced in the great interest shown by startups in participating in this RoundTable. And why not? It’s not too...