We are at a profound moment in India’s history. We have a young and energetic workforce, a robust macroeconomy and a strong leadership at the Centre. This is our chance to power India forward. A key aspect for achieving sustainable economic growth and providing jobs to our youth is to promote innovation and entrepreneurship. We need to do more to enable our young people to think creatively...
What I got from the pre-entrepreneur bootcamp called iKEN.
I started this journey with a jolt this January, when I got laid off from my job as a Manager at a big MNC. In the notice period, they did offer me many other roles, one of which got finalized and was about to accept, but something in me kept telling me to use this opportunity to fulfill the startup dream that I was dreaming for a long time. First there is a bit of flashback. I came from humble...
Customer Purchasing Insights for School Management Software
SoftwareSuggest is India’s largest software discovery & recommendation platform. We provide free consultation on software, and help SMEs them select the right software. As a part of our business, we collect customer requirements, which when analysed can serve the industry with deep insights. Keeping the same in context, we are introducing SoftwareSuggest insights. In our first research, we...
Enterprise Software Products – Big Clients, Big Opportunity
Over the past few years, there has been a lot of investment activity in the B2B Technology product space. One can broadly classify B2B Tech into two categories based on the size of the end clients, and the delivery model (on-premise or Cloud). End Customer Mid-Large Enterprises SMEs Typical Delivery Model On Premise SaaS Most of the recent investment activity in the B2B Tech...
Small Businesses Ascending the Digital Path
# DigitalDesh spanned across 22 cities in 30 days to discover The Internet of Inside India. Amritsar to Kanyakumari An endeavor to study the behavioral patterns of entrepreneurs across different regions. To understand their digital business routines, their perceptions, the challenges and their desire to venture into new terrain. An important part of the activity was also to encourage & spread...
What is a good sales target for a sales person in SaaS in India?
Unfortunately there is no fixed answer. Problem with SaaS is that there are too many moving variables. LTV,Churn,ARR,ARPU etc. So its really hard to come up with one fixed number. So based on our experience and our product the following is a number we have come up with to set targets for our sales organization. 0.8x(x is the sales person’s salary) So, a sales person should pull in 0.8x...
Top 10 Expectations from Digital Banking Users
Digital banking has caught the fancy of every bank in the world, from small to large. Digital, which assumes internet connectivity, allows customers to avail of banking services anytime, anywhere from their digital devices. Digital devices include laptops, tablets, mobile phones, ATM, Kiosks and may be even large touchscreens. Every time a customer or a prospect is interacting with a digital...
'I initiate therefore I am' – Success mantra for the 21st century
If you don’t have a high degree of initiative, you don’t have much of a future in the corporate world. 17th century philosopher Rene Descartes said – ‘I think therefore I am’. With all due respect to him, I am inclined to revise this for the 21st century as – ‘I initiate therefore I am’. For me the world is truly binary, people who take initiatives and people who don’t and that...
Leadership Attitude
In this cutthroat and competitive business environment it has become imperative for both new and established organizations to be on top of their game. Staying constantly in top form and delivering results requires the organization to have people in the management with strong leadership skills. These people are even more important for companies that are yet to make their mark in the market. As...
Cheap Kills, Value Wins!
Competing on price is never a great strategy! Cheap Kills, Value Wins! As long you as you have a clearly differentiated offering, you should calculate the value your solution provides your users, and base your pricing on that! And stick to it! Competing on price creates a spiral of death for all competitors, no matter what the industry, no matter what the offerings are! Some eons ago, in one of...