
Building a Product Ecosystem for Startups in NCR region


Despite a lot of matter that is available and the ease with which people network, setting an Product Startup in the NCR region is fraught with challenges that few can perceive in other parts of the country. For one, it is the sheer size of the region, effectively sprawling across three states, dealing with three different governments which pose a challenge. Gurgaon houses some of the larger MNC...

If you are going through hell, take pictures for Facebook and other famous marketing quotes


Great people have come, and great people have gone. But what they have left behind for us is timeless wisdom that has survived the change of marketing models from 4Ps to 4Cs, Al Gore inventing the Internet and funny cats doing funny things. Here’s bringing to you marketing wisdom from eons back, and their translation in today’s world. Only two things are infinite, the universe and...

Be a part of the journey to Product Nirvana!


There has been a huge upstart in the number of product companies in India in the last 12 months. 700% is the estimate according to Zinnov Consulting. Most of them, as one keynote speaker at the recently held NASSCOM Product Conclave 2012 said ominously or more from experience being in the Silicon Valley, “will fail”. Why startups fail can be due to any number of reasons but the chances of...

Should I outsource the sales function at my technology startup?


I am thinking of writing a series on technology sales, given that selling is my first functional love and I enjoy it more than anything else. (There, I admit it, and yes, more than development even though I am an “engineer” by education). So the next few posts will be focused exclusively on selling for entrepreneurs. Yesterday I had a friend who came over to get some advice on his startup. 6...

Passion, Conviction and Approach to entrepreneurship


Many People keep wondering about the kid who rarely talks at home and not good to get grades in school but went on to become an amazing start-up genius. Celebrated Lawyer of his time Moti lal Nehru was neither happy with the grades his son got in graduation in England nor with his career as Lawyer.  But Jawahar Lal went on to become one of the most celebrated politicians of Independent India. So...

Differentiate or Die – learning’s from the NPC -12 session


Coming back to busy corporate life after NPC (NASSCOM Product Conclave – 2012) is like starting the second innings 🙂 I thoroughly enjoyed being a core volunteer managing 140+ speakers, and the speaker lounge itself on the day of the event. Not just that but was also managing, choreographing and moderating the session “Differentiate or Die – there is a brutal market outside” with the speakers...

How far should you go with Professional Services in your product business?

Turning on a giant switch

For any products company, product support is a given, and part of the products business fabric. However, almost all Enterprise Products Companies end-up offering the professional services beyond basic product support. These services could range from simplistic implementation support, to integration, to solutions-building, to architectural consulting, to IT advisory support. The decision to...

The Challenge of "Reverse Innovation"


MNC Structures can impede innovation flows…. In the mid-1970s, the Xerox Corporation faced the first real threat to its domination of the photocopying industry. This threat did not come from IBM or Kodak, the large American companies that had entered the industry. Instead it came from Canon and Ricoh, at that time relatively small Japanese companies. Xerox had fortified the technological lead it...

10 Advantages in Thinking Big for Product Startups!


Sometime ago I wrote two posts in this forum: Expect a Microsoft, Google or facebook out of India? Won’t happen unless we THINK BIG! and How to Think Big in Software Products? . This post is a continuation of this thought process. What are the advantages for me in Thinking Big if I am a product startup? Again, thinking big does not mean abandoning what you are doing currently for something...

5 speaker quotes @NPC12 & what they mean


5 phrases I heard and overheard at NPC12 and what they mean. I’m open to a thrash-out on this. 1. “Initially I was skeptical about coming to NPC. Now I want to come here every year.” – First time at NPC + US based speaker with 100% audience feedback.  Achievers in America are looking towards India. There’s a reason. The PULSE that ignited so many industries in the...