
Content Generation – The 10 commandments


Content Marketing is increasingly becoming a key strategy for product marketers. With prospects and customers ceasing to be passive and, on the contrary, actively gathering information, comparing product offerings and alternatives, product marketers are now turning to content marketing as a key strategy for their communication operations. The purpose of Content Marketing is to create a scenario...

EmployWise: Improving the ROI in employee lifecycle management


Effective employee lifecycle management is acquiring importance from a talent acquisition and retention perspective; from an employee satisfaction angle; as well as from a compliance and regulatory viewpoint. Many organizations, especially SMEs, are discovering to their dismay that the pile of unstructured employee data they have accumulated is a ticking time bomb. They suspect they are paying a...

Sustaining India's IT Exports Growth: Why Products are the Way?


Going by its 12th five year plan projections, the Indian government expects that the IT/ITES exports from the country would reach $130 billion by FY 2016-17, up from $69 billion in FY 2011-12. That is a CAGR of 13.6%. How realistic is it? The Planning Commission’s (it  has got those figures from IT ministry which in turn would have consulted with the industry before suggesting it)...

Will B.PAC and iSPIRT Transform Urban Politics & the Software Product Industry Respectively?


While we usually focus on product, process and business model innovation as the main facets of innovation, some of the most impactful innovation can be the result of new organizational forms. Take the case of India’s white revolution. This was driven by a unique 3-tier structure of organizations – the farmers’ cooperative at the village level as the basic organizational unit; a...

New age platform. What it could be?


We have multiple definitions of platform, but in today’s world where reaching out to people is so easy and absolutely free, one can argue that in today’s context a platform is a vehicle to extend people’s voice beyond the ears closest to you. The channels that we use to have were very expensive – all required expertise, money or both whereas the new channels are over internet – mostly free. This...

Lean way of sales


“Not meeting desired sales target?” is perhaps the most important question in any of senior management meetings.  But how do most companies react? Answer: “Re”setting the targets,“Re”structuring marketing campaigns and finally “Re”placing sales team (starting from executives ending up replacing sales director) and what will happen by doing several “Re’s” together…absolutely nothing. On the...

Lessons on Pricing for Product Startups – Consumer and Enterprise!


Since the time Philip Kotler wrote his valuable tome on Marketing, technology has evolved so much that new pricing models like Freemium pricing are possible for both Consumer-oriented and Enterprise-oriented product startups. In addition, Free Trial pricing models and conversion to paid ones are common in both. In a price-conscious society like India, pricing can mean all the difference between a...

ProductNation is now Proudly Powered by


I am happy to inform you that ProductNation will now be part of iSPIRT – a think-tank focussed on transforming India into a hub for new generation software products, a thought which finally is seeing action. Welcome to the new look of the website where we have made it easier for our readers to find stories that interest them and share it with friends and professional colleagues. Do drop by...

UX Lessons from Startups


User Experience or UX dictates the connection strength of your product to your user. From a functional connect by how easily the user can accomplish a task, to an emotional connect which is a sum total of experience during and after using the product. It goes way beyond just the aesthetics or how the look (though it is an important part). Its really about how well do you fulfill the user’s...

Enterprise customers Vs Startup customers


When you are selling a product to a customer, you will have to understand the characteristics of the customer. This is especially true if your product solves the problems of both Enterprises and Startups. Both are unique in the way they buy products. Enterprises have a process in place and hence you need to be very very patient(sometimes, it may take an year for an Enterprise to decide to go with...