
Knowing Versus Understanding Your Customer


When it comes to retaining your customer, you simply do not need to know them but should also try to understand them. If you wonder that why are your competitors holding a superior hand than you and why are they successful in catching the pulse of the customers? The reason could be that they are putting more efforts in understanding the customers than you. And here you are….You just know...

Please Understand the art of collaboration…Sooooon


Further to our earlier discussion around “Relatively slower growth of Indian IT product companies” let’s continue soul searching. World economy is growing, inter country trade is growing, global power equations are changing more frequently than ever before, smaller but high potential countries are trying to consolidate their position in the region before marching towards global...

#madeinindia eCommerce Platforms to Build Your Own Online Store


eCommerce platforms are becoming increasing popular for small & medium retail business wanting to sell online. There is no hassle of developing a website or integrating it with other tools and software. It manages everything from building ecommerce website to order fulfilment. Here we list below some popular #madeinindia eCommerce platforms in no particular order. KartRocket Kartrocket is...

How Alibaba, Android and Airbnb change the geometry of business


This article was originally published on Sangeet Paul Choudary’s personal blog Platform Thinking – A blog about building early stage ventures from an idea to a business, and mitigating execution risk. A keynote laying out the shift that platforms are bringing about in the nature of business today.  One of the central concepts I talk about on this blog is the shift from linear business models to...

Why Indian IT product companies grow slower than companies elsewhere?


Indians are loved world over due to their intellectuality, hardworking nature and their unparalleled ability for Jugaad (an innovative fix or a simple work-around of complex problems). Generally speaking, Indians are doing wonderful job in technology sector and why technology sector alone, it’s across the board now. Many of the world’s largest enterprises have Indians as their CEO’s who are...

Baby steps to an Indian Microsoft


A country well known for its software services now has an opportunity to build world-beating software products. At a recent corporate awards ceremony, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) was crowned as the company of the year. Piyush Goyal, the Minister of State for Power, Coal and New & Renewable Energy hurriedly stepped up to the lectern after the award was given. He told the assembled...

The future is here: Indian product companies are potential global giants


Every year I speak at a dozen events – both within the country and outside. These events range from ones around entrepreneurship and startups to ones purely around technology. There is, however, one common thread at all these events. At home, I meet many young product companies that now operate on a global scale and overseas I increasingly bump into entrepreneurs who have set up a product company...

#MadeinIndia Cloud telephony and IVRS


The market has been abuzz lately with cloud-based applications and let us admit it, there is more to come.The industry is adopting Cloud based solutions like never before and start-ups are cashing on this technology.One such cloud based technology which is fast gaining its hold in the Indian market is Cloud Telephony or IVR solutions. Now you can conveniently do away with those PBX, IVR, wires...

Indian Mid-market SaaS companies: Forging a new path to disruption


SaaS has changed the competitive dynamics for Indian enterprise software product firms, putting them on a level playing field with their western counterparts. It has opened up new market segments, notably the small and medium sized enterprise market, whose requirements are different from those of large global 2000 businesses. These customers demand products that are less complex, plug-and-play...

Innovate on the Product, Not on the Business Model


Entrepreneurs from Bangalore had no problem driving into Chennai amid a tense political situation in Tamil Nadu. There was an air of expectation and enthusiasm on the part of more than 15 entrepreneurs who had come in from Bangalore and Mumbai, apart from Chennai itself, to listen to Girish Mathrubootham, Freshdesk CEO and founder, for the Playbook Roundtable on Scaling a SaaS business. Colourful...