CategoryProduct Management

Usability Review of @Bubbles – A new kind of mail service


In a startup, the design is usually an afterthought after the more important challenges of business and technology are solved. Which means by then the design is more like a band aid or a lipstick on the proverbial pig. Probably the main reason why products here still lack that world-class feel, even though they are better in terms of features and performance. A successful product usually has the...

5 Key Considerations for Platform Approach


Platform mean different things to different people depending on who you ask. It is not just related to software or computer hardware industry but is also very relevant and prevalent in other industries also. It is an entity that bring things together, mask complexities, is a enabler to build/create on top of it, help foster innovation and is a ecosystem enabler. Over the period governments...

Why a degree of chaos is better than order


I can bet you are familiar with this one, but not its consequences, in product development: you’ve seen project managers in product development teams express frustration at not being able to keep the development on track, on time and on budget. I had earlier written about the kind of expectations people have of product development and its perils – but this problem of project management is worse...

#PNMeetup – Delhi (15 December 2012) Pricing for Enterprise Sales


The event was kicked off by Arvind Jha starting out with a round of introductions. It was quickly realised that the community was well represented and people coming from Noida, Gurgaon and Delhi was heart warming to see. Arvind then went on to describe how diversity is important when you are running a business. Different regions, different customers and hence different pricing make it a much...

12 learnings from the launch of Institute of Product Leadership – Bschool for software techies in India


Seems only apt to summarize our 12 learning’s on 12-12-12 #1 – ‘Kitna detee hai’ ? Maruti car runs a campaign in India around “keetna deti hai” (means in local language – how much mileage will i get in?). The first question on the applicant’s mind was – post program will I get a better pay or shift into a company of my dreams. Very few (23% of them to be precise) reported that...

BrightPod makes collaboration for digital marketers simpler and faster, much faster


Synage Software, more popularly known as the DeskAway guys, are on to their next thing and they are calling it BrightPod. Sticking to their expertise of developing collaboration software, BrightPod is a collaboration tool built specifically for digital marketers. I got an early peek into it and while the the product and the segment they are going after hold promise, it needs work on the interface...

Forget coding. Startup founders should focus on Product & Design.


Last year (2011) learning coding was hot, may be it still is. Sites like Code for America came up; startups like Codecademy, Learnstreet, Udacity, etc came up that were focusing on building products that enabled others to learn coding in an interactive way. Then it looked like a kind of movement, a revolution in making. Being a startup founder some of those effects trickled down to India – that...

Who is your customer?


Get this right and you have taken the first step towards success in your software product venture, whether on the web or on-premise. As a corollary, if this is not clear, then no matter how sophisticated your product is, it will always be a struggle. As many entrepreneurs are aware, the success of a product depends on the product itself, the pricing, the promotion and the physical distribution as...

How To Do Pricing For Enterprise Sales #PNMeetup


Pricing is a mix of art science. Most product startups have a hard time figuring out their revenue model (freemium or, paid only) and what they should charge. If you chose freemium, you have to be careful that cost of incremental customer is low and it will be great, if this customer also helps spread the word about you. On the other hand, if you choose paid, you run the risk of having minimal...

Platform Play Versus Product Play in an Indian Scenario-Part 1


From the beginning, we at Ozonetel had always wanted to build a platform. Initially, we did a VXML platform with off the shelf hardware. But VXML was not sexy enough and there were not a lot of takers. So in 2010, we did a pivot and built our own custom hardware( PRI cards) and built KooKoo and top of it. KooKoo was our attempt at Telephony Platform as a Service play. Once KooKoo was opened to...