CategoryProduct Management

Building that 1-Click magic in your Product


Many startups struggle when it comes to building features for their product. Their product road-maps are a list of features they plan to include over next 6-9 months; once they are built out – its a feature mess ~ too many things to do that leaves the user confused. This does not stop here., entrepreneurs always have this gut feeling – the next feature will be ‘the one’ that will make it up for...

Zoho, Cloud, Sridhar Vembu


Those who know me well have heard a lot of stories about my experience at Zoho when they transitioned from AdventNet to Zoho. I worked there between 2001-2004 when it was quite a new thing in the indian product ecosystem to talk of Product Management etc. During that period, the company went through a very significant phase of transformation which I was fortunate to be part of, see & learn...

Product Pricing – The biggest mistake companies make is to fix the price based on their costs


There is no magic formula for pricing a product. You can make a start by getting answers to these queries: Can you estimate the value to customer in terms of increased revenue or cost savings? How does your competition price their product? Should your product be priced higher/lower based on more/less capabilities? What is your total investment and annual expense (development, support, sales and...

What’s Freemium Gaming?


Freemium has become the preferred business model in mobile game development, accounting for almost 93% of mobile gaming revenue in 2013. Many, if not all game developers around the world have adapted their mobile development strategy to harness the power of freemium. As counter intuitive as it may sound, “Freemium” games are in-fact more lucrative than one time purchase games (premium games). If...

Before you start with Growth Hacking


Building a product startup is exciting. Most startups look to raise capital early and investors look no other measure but traction to take their bets. This need for traction puts immense pressure on the founding team to grow their startup. That leads to implementing multiple tips and tricks to improve the key product metrics – most importantly to show traction to investors. Founders get into the...

How Startups Compete with Friction in Product Design


Startups need Traction. A startup which doesn’t get discovered doesn’t go anywhere. This is all the more critical for platform businesses which rely on their users to create value and network effects. In the specific case of platform businesses, Traction dictates the value that is created. A social network without enough users or a marketplace without enough activity isn’t going anywhere...

15 Steps towards Building a Great Product!


This for all founders & product geeks (that includes me too) who want to build the next great product. Sharing all this for #StartupKarma (Heard this from Bowei – ‘Continue to give away and help other entrepreneurs with a hope that it comes back to you someday!’) 15 Steps towards building a Great Product! from P J The Background: As a startup founder, one gets bombarded with advice on...

Office Chat – The App for Messaging Securely” – Vipin Thomas, Product Manager – MangoApps #PNHangout


With Office Chat, the goal was simple; we wanted to create a product like Whatsapp, but for enterprises. This app should seamlessly work between devices (mobile and desktop) and could also be sold alongside the other suite of apps offered by MangoApps (an enterprise social collaboration network). Although MangoApps has an IM client tool integrated in it, Office Chat differentiates itself by...

The Most Important Metrics Immediately After Launch


Just released or about to release a mobile app? Do you have a checklist of which metrics you should be tracking? Deciding which metrics to track is simply deciding which questions you want to answer. And the key is in asking the right questions. Getting information about your app usage shouldn’t be like this. 1. User Acquisition The main activity after launch is user acquisition. Even if you are...

Yammer is facebook for Business! – Product Positioning and Messaging!


Yammer is facebook for Business! – This was apparently the Product Positioning choice of its own CEO.  The CEO thinks that this is good shorthand for conveying what his product is all about. It could also be meant in a pejorative way. Users could feel that the user interfaces and functionality are too similar to each other, and so may not be too original! Here is a funny example of bad...