Welcome to the age of the zero-dollar marketing startup. WhatsApp, and earlier Instagram, have officially become a permanent part of startup lore for having built multi-billion dollar businesses without (reportedly) spending a dime on marketing. Meanwhile, Airbnb has grown from a hipster community of mattress-renters to the world’s largest provider of accommodations without spending even a...
Is on boarding a game changer for customer centric businesses???
To stand out in today’s increasingly digital world, enterprises need to adapt to change by tapping into market, understanding the trends and anticipating what’s next. This digital world is not just technology, strategy and business, but cultures that are changing rapidly. This is the age of the customer and onboarding is the first impression of your service. Make your first impression the best...
Reach, Revenue, Retention – Sampad Swain, Co-Founder and CEO at Instamojo. #PNHangout
Sampad Swain is co-founder and CEO at Instamojo – a platform that lets you sell & collect payments instantly by just sharing a link. Today, individuals & businesses are using Instamojo to sell & collect payments for digital downloads, physical goods, event tickets, services, subscriptions & much more. He was also the co-founder of WanaMo.com and DealsAndYou. In this...
14 Ways to Emotionally Engage users with your Product
Most conversations with entrepreneurs and product managers who want drive engagement and bring viral features to their products are answered as ‘We will gamify our product through features’. This post is about clearing some nuisance around the topic of gamification in products. Gamification has nothing to do with building features. In fact, even Product Management has nothing to do with building...
A perspective from the other side – Seema Joshi, Lead Product Manager – BMC Software, #PNHangout.
In this #PNHangout, Seema Joshi, Lead Product Manager – BMC Software, shared with us her insights about Product management and the challenges and scope on the road ahead for Women Product Managers. Why did you choose to be a Product Manager? There are two aspects to why I chose to be a Product Manager. The first is related to the evolution of the Indian IT industry and the second my personal...
Thinkflow Software – Keeping up with changing markets
I recently met with Thinkflow founder Praveen Hari and heard first hand their growth story of building a platform capable of powering business applications and services on the cloud. I specifically focused on learning how they accelerated their growth and scale phase, wanting to hear a few stories that could inspire other budding ventures on this path. Handful of stories below highlight some...
Hiring Is Growth Hacking
Hiring is Growth Hacking applied to organizations. What does that mean? It is expensive to pay a staffing consulting $10k – $20k per hire, so creative, guerrilla tactics have to be adopted. Using your network to reach out to your audience, relying on word of mouth, the referral program that extends beyond employees, Quora/Twitter/LinkedIn for lead generation, fancy videos and blog posts with...
Platform Metrics: the core metric for platforms, networks and marketplaces
You become what you measure. From my experience working with clients across enterprises and startups, the most common reason for failure and inefficiency is the focus on convenient, but inappropriate, metrics. Your technology doesn’t determine the business you build. Neither does your organizational capability. The metric you optimize for is the single biggest factor that determines which...
Product Management Principles across industries are the same" – Pandith Jantakahalli, Sr. Product Manager – iPublishCentral. #PNHangout
#PNHangout is an ongoing series where we talk to Product Managers from various companies to understand what drives them, the products they work on and the role they play in defining the products success. We recently had a chance to talk to Pandith Jantakahalli –Senior Product Manager at Impelsys, about his experiences as a Product Manager and his take on the role of a Product Manager...
My learning from taking an idea to product to business – Sampad Swain, Instamojo
Instamojo.com was released to public on 24th April, 2012. That’s little over 2 years back. Here’s a screenshot of how it looked then with the boilerplate message: Although, we haven’t shifted from our core vision but we definitely have learnt a lot more about who are our customers, what do they want and what should we do to make them happy which in turn will help us meet our business goals as...