In this polytheistic world of entrepreneurs, who is the Startup Initiative for? There are many types of entrepreneurs. There is the self-employed vegetable-vendor type, the Thelawala. Then there is the small businessman in Okhla or Peenya who has grown to be in GST net. And how can one ignore the technology entrepreneur who graces the pages of ET every day . Even these tech startups come in many...
Free Open Software and Growing Entrepreneurship Climate in India
“Imagine if Mathematics was owned by corporates and every time you wanted to use it you had to buy some from a corporate!” started Eben Moglan, Founder of Software Freedom Law Centre at the Open Innovation and our Digital Future Lecture series organised by iSPIRT. It was definitely a thought provoking preview of the work that is taking place in India in the space of Free Open Source Software with...
Open Innovation, entrepreneurship, and our digital future
Open Innovation has lead to the creation of priceless resources like Wikipedia, and Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) that form the foundations of our digital society. The freedoms enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of young people around the world, hacking on laptops, hacking on servers, hacking on general purpose hardware is the primary source of the innovation which drove much of the...
iSPIRT announces the launch of InnoFest 2015
A ‘first of its kind’ marquee event to kick-start the next innovation wave in India, where Bengaluru takes the lead in showcasing Public-Private Partnership. With iSPIRT, we are happy to announce the launch of InnoFest – a day long Innovation festival jointly organized and sponsored by Public and Private Enterprise. The event, to be held at the Indian Institute of...
Meeting Magic Mike Moritz XXL
What is common to Cisco, Oracle, Google, Apple and WhatsApp? Besides being some of the most iconic technology companies in history, all these marquee firms share one more thing in common – an investor named Sequoia Capital. Sequoia Capital is arguably the most prestigious VC firm on the planet and its chairman, Michael (Mike)Moritz is undeniably a legend in the tech investment arena. In a...
The best way to predict the future is to invent it!
India is interestingly poised today. About half of India’s 1.25billion people are under the age of 25 and by 2020, India will be the world’s youngest country with an average age of 29. According to the World Bank, India’s will overtake China to become the world’s fastest growing big economy by 2017-18. The scale of opportunity – and of course the challenge – in India is unprecedented. Millions of...
FinTech-Tech: The future of banking?
Banking and financial services industry is undergoing a massive transformation all over the world. While until the early 2010, FinTech wasn’t even on the radar of banking institutions let alone the entrepreneurial kinds, suddenly there is an upsurge in activity in the FinTech community. Global FinTech financing has grown from less than $930 million for the whole of 2008 to over $1.04...
Lessons from the House of Tata on Technology and Innovation
There are increasing signs of breakthroughs that could provide disproportionate returns to Tata companies. One question that I am asked frequently by companies that have launched innovation programmes is: “How do we sustain interest and commitment from employees across the company?” In other words, how do we keep up the momentum? After attending the final presentations and awards...
Leveraging an open IoT platform to accelerate innovation
Every decade or so, a technology shift occurs that has an impact far beyond its original design. These groundbreaking technologies can affect industries and applications that were never conceived of by their founders. The mobile phone is an example, which morphed into the smartphone and created a massive mobile development and application industry. IoT represents such a sea change, not only in...
A conference of the products, for the products and by the product leaders
Indian startup space is on a roll and while there is a lot of money being invested, we strongly believe that one needs a lot more talks on products – ranging from product management to marketing / growth hacking et al. Product Nation has partnered with NextBigWhat for its upcoming conference, ProductGeeksConf. At ProductGeeksConf, you will hear various product leaders share...