In our first blogpost, I’d like to talk about how we incorporated in US from outside the USA. This is a version 3.0 post that is inspired from V 1.0 by my former boss Girish Mathrubootham and V 2.0 by Suresh Sambandam, CEO of KiSSFLOW. This article can not be considered Legal advise, please consult a lawyer and/or accountant before incorporating. The US has one of the most mature banking and...
India can’t afford the comforts technology provides. Here’s why
There’s a belief globally that we have a burgeoning middle class in India — and we’re following in the footsteps of China’s massive change from immense poverty to a stable middle class. But that’s really not the case. There was a very interesting article onScrollsome time back explaining this. According to the article, “China…saw its middle-income proportion go up from 3% in 2001 to 18% in 2011.”...
5 Signs you need a SaaS based Cloud Payroll Software for your Startup
Startups are natural transgressors, but payroll and HR is one area where a startup simply cannot afford to break rules. Entrepreneurs of startups may have to come up with disruptive ideas if they want their enterprises to be listed in Fortune 1000, but there is one particular area, where entrepreneurs of startups certainly would not want to break the rules: HR and payroll. Startups that fail to...
When to open the purse for that Blockchain-y project of yours?
Blockchain, Blockchain ! The buzz continues to spread from coffee machines to boardrooms. Everyone I speak to nowadays is eager to know how to leverage Blockchain tech and what’s in it for them. A key question in front of us as solution providers is when to choose Blockchain (and when to stick to relational databases) and more importantly which use case to fund/invest. Based on my...
India’s reverse Brexit: Passing the GST Bill will create millions of formal sector jobs
Imagine a warehouse of more than one crore square feet in Central India – around five times the size of the largest football stadium in the world. It would have an eight lane highway that is connected to all four corners of the country on one side. It would have one of India’s largest railway container terminals for handling enormous goods trains on another side. It would have an all-cargo...
7 SEO Trends Entrepreneur Should Pay Attention To
Anyone who has been in the business of SEO for long is well aware that this is one of the fastest moving industries in the world. You have to be able to pay attention to the latest SEO trends if you’re going to stay ahead of the competition and preserve your ranking. This guide is going to introduce you to the seven primary SEO trends you have to pay attention to this year. And if you follow...
Crafting experiences, which are awesome. by design #DTSummitBLR
These are exciting days for us at Pensaar. The Summit, which we have planning for a while is right around the corner. Here’s what you can expect from our Summit workshop (Phase1 on 15, 16 and 17 July hosted at Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore). The co-creation session is carefully designed to be a completely immersive and experiential 3 days. You’ll learn how to understand...
The power of a question
A few days ago, while I was discussing a rather critical business solution with one of my colleagues, I noticed that there was a strange circularity to our conversation. I kept trying to convince him of the importance of deploying such a solution,but I seemed to fail at eliciting a sense of urgency or enthusiasm from him, even though he did not disagree with me. It might have been slight vexation...
The SaaS Juggernaut: Advantage India
An Indian software company serving majorly clients in the US or Europe is not an unusual thing anymore. However, if anybody were to guess the location of the India office, a company that counts amongst its clients about 100,000 small businesses globally, they would most probably chose Bangalore or Hyderabad. However, Appointy, which is an advanced web-based scheduling software tool and has around...
1 Critical Analytics Mistake
Why some well funded/big companies miss business targets? Companies tend to focus 80% of their analytics effort on analysing “Historic Indicators” versus identifying “Leading Indicators” to grow business. This is biggest mistake I see wrt how some companies leverage Analytics. 3 Examples of how Analytics Numbers should be used: Spot Contrarian Points: Usually, consumer businesses experience low...