
Learnings from the 2nd #PNMeetup – Selling your product Gangnam Style


#PNMeetup on Selling your product Gangnam Style was the topic at the recently concluded Meetup(Podcast link). We had over 45-50 people across products and the services who came out to gain an insight into the Enigma of Gangnam Style Sales, with their eyes wide open and all ears the speakers Mr. Sanjay Agarwala MD of Eastern Software, Ketan Kapoor Co-Founder and CEO  of Mettl and Vishal Jain Chief...

Growth = Engagement: A product design principle you can’t ignore


Newly launched startups love to see their traffic and sign-up stats grow. Growth, after all, is opium for a startup fresh out of the door, and frequent refreshes of the sign-up logs are the happiest pastime for entrepreneurs. Startups often tend to think of growth and engagement as two unrelated divorced concepts. In reality, nothing could be farther from the truth. Startups that focus on growth...

May 2013 be the year for Systematic Innovation in India


If 2012 saw a lot of buzz in India about Jugaad thanks to the Radjou/Prabhu/Ahuja bestseller, I am really hoping that 2013 will restore the balance towards systematic innovation. Indian companies need systematic innovation more than they realize because their challenges are different from the ones that multinationals face. Why are Indian Companies afraid of Systematic Innovation? Among Indian...

How to get to 1000 startups in India ever year


I will be on a panel with several others at the IAMAI conference next week for the India Digital Summit and the discussion is about how to make 1000 digital startups happen annually in India. I thought I’d put some thoughts together and get some opinions before I present at the panel. Currently there are less than half that number of product companies being started each year. There are various...

Angel Office Hours in Mumbai


After our 1st session of #AngelOfficeHours in Bangalore, Our next Angel Investor Office Hours will be in Mumbai on 22nd January 2013 at the Mumbai Angels office at 111, Industrial Area, Hindustan Minerals Compound, Next to Chroma Store, Cinemax Lane, Sion East, Mumbai 400022. Seasoned Angel Investors Anil Joshi and Ajeet Khurana of Mumbai will offer 8 Startups a chance to pitch to them. Startups...

Bharat Goenka(Tally Solutions) talks to us about the company’s ‘stubborn’ decision to stay focussed on products


Bharat Goenka is the architect of what is arguably India’s most successful business solution — Tally.  Co-Founder and Managing Director of Tally Solutions, Mr. Goenka developed the famous accounting solution under the guidance of his father, the late Sri S S Goenka. Today, the product is the de facto accounting solution for many SMEs and Mr. Goenka serves as an inspiration for many aspiring...

Announcing the angel investor office hours in Bangalore


Following up on this post by Mukund Mohan, the first session of the office hours will be held on 8th January (Tuesday) at the Microsoft Accelerator (Lavelle Road, Bangalore) from 3PM – 5PM. 4 startups that apply on a first come first serve basis will be given a chance to meet, pitch and take feedback from Anil Joshi from Mumbai Angels or if you are really good, Anil might agree to fund you...

A Platform Thinking Approach to Problem Solving


Business is about solving customer problems. It’s been claimed that business is primarily about beating the competition or about maximizing shareholder returns but if the successes (and failures) of the past decade are anything to go by, the primary goal of business is solving customer problems. If you think about the approach that businesses take to solving these problems, three broad patterns...

iCalibrator – Bridging the Knowledge Gap


The product – iCalib aims to automate the process of practical learning during the training programmes. Trainees are given exercises to practice the skills they are expected to learn. In a typical classroom model, the trainer is not able to evaluate all trainees individually (sometimes the trainers are not capable of it also). The system would provide individual feedback, and also enable...